Protologue Description: Vaccinium Caesariense sp. nov.

A shrub, 1-3 m. high similar in habit to V. corymbosum L. and V. atrococcum (A. Gray) Heller; much branched, the twigs green, warty, entirely glabrous. Leaf-blades ovate to elliptic-lanceolate, 4-7 cm. long, 1.5-2 cm. wide, entire, glabrous from the first, much paler beneath, short-pointed, round-tapering at base, half-grown at flowering time, the petioles 1-2 mm. long; flowers in short 6-12 flowered racemes, the ascending or spreading pedicels about equalling the corolla; bracts ovate-oblong, deciduous; calyx 5-lobed, glaucous, its broad lobes acute; corolla urn-shaped dull-white, 4-6 mm. long, 2-4 mm. wide, one to two times as long as thich, 5-toothed, the acute teeth erect or spreading; stamens 10 with hairy filaments; style slightly exceeding corolla; berries dark blue with a bloom, 6-8 mm. in diameter.

The following specimens, all from New Jersey, have been examined:

Tom's River, Mackenzie No. 2583, May 30, 1907, and No. 2780, July 28, 1907, same bush (type in Herb. K.K. Mackenzie; duplicates will be deposited in the Herb. N.Y. Botanical Garden and Gray Herbarium); Lakehurst, Mackenzie Nos. 4544 and 4547, May 15, 1910; Tom's River, Britton & Wilson, June 30, 1900.

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